Virtual event platform FAQs
Find the answer to some common questions we get asked when using the platform
Which Browser should I use?
Why can’t I log in?
Please ensure that you are logging in with the email address that you registered with. If you are unsure which email you used, please check your inbox for confirmation from the host company or ‘’. Your password will have been communicated to you in the confirmation email. It can also be found on the log in page, either on the main screen or in one of the links below the password field.
When logging in with your email and password, the pin field should be blank. If you have been instructed to use a pin to enter, then the password and email fields should be blank. If you encounter a blank / white screen it is usually because you have the homepage opened twice. Please close all tabs and then re-open the webpage using the original link.
If you are still having issue, please speak to one of our support team by clicking on the “Need Help?” button in the bottom right.
Why can’t I hear / see the stream?
To view the stream, you may need to click on the “Watch live stream” button on your engagement panel.
The stream audio can be turned up using the volume bars to the bottom right of the stream window. If the bars are blue, the volume is turned up. If you are still unable to hear the stream please check the audio settings on your device and headset. If you can still not see the stream, you can use the “Alternative Stream”. To find this, please click on the Assistance button on your engagement panel.
To speak to our live support team click on the headset icon in the top right of your screen.
Why is my stream pixelated or freezing?
If your stream is pixelated or buffering it may be due to network congestion, to alleviate these problems you may want to consider:
Reducing the number of applications you are running on your device, this includes closing browser tabs if you have a large number open.
If you are on a home network ensure there is sufficient bandwidth and other household members are not engaged in activities which require high bandwidth e.g. streaming, file sharing, etc.
Check your Internet speed. Duuzra recommends 10 Mbps for best quality Https:// The event may be available for you to watch ‘OnDemand’ at a later date
If your stream is still buffering, you can use the “Alternative Stream”. To find this, please click on the Assistance button on your engagement panel.
How do I play the live stream?
Once logged in, if the video doesn’t automatically play, please click on the play button found at the bottom left of the video player.
If you are viewing an On-Demand video, please click the Play button to start your video.
How do I ask a question?
You can submit a question by clicking on the ? icon in the top right of your screen, there may also be an “ask a question” button on your engagement panel.
We recommend asking your questions throughout the webinar to ensure that they are received in plenty of time to be asked during the Q&A session.
How do I find a breakout?
You can find you chosen breakout session by clicking on your agenda and then following the link provided.
If you do not have an agenda, you should have access to the breakout sessions via a “Breakout” button on the engagement panel.
Once you have clicked on your chosen session, you may be prompted to select “Allow permissions” to access your camera and microphone. Please be sure to confirm this as it will allow you to hear and see everyone in the room.
If you are unsure how to access a breakout, or notice that you are not in the breakout you originally elected, please seek assistance from one of our team by using the customer service icon in the top right of the screen.
I missed a poll or survey; can I still answer this?
In most cases you will be able to access the polls and surveys within the platform menu after they have been asked. We encourage you to participate in as many of these as you can, your feedback is highly valued by the host.
Why can’t I download presentations / PDF’s?
Not all platforms will give the option to download readable materials.
If the host is inviting users to download materials, you will be prompted to either provide and email address or download directly to your device. If your selected documents do not download, please check the pop up or ad blocker settings in your web browser.
If you cannot access the downloads, please seek assistance by using the customer headset service icon in the top right of the screen.
I still need help, who can I speak to?
There is a ‘need help’ button in the bottom right hand corner of the login page, if the platform is being used for a live event there will be a team available to answer your questions via a live chat.
If you have already logged into the platform, please seek assistance by using the customer headset service icon in the top right of the screen.